"Working Hard with Integrity"

Premium Window Cleaning

Residential & Commercial


Since 2002

We have been cleaning windows since 2002, and are confident that our hard work and integrity is what has made us successful! Craig "the perfectionist" is the owner and will be the one performing the work at your residence or business. Our goal is to provide a premium window cleaning experience for our customers that find value in more than just clean windows. Our niche is providing, building & maintaining high quality relations with our customers so we will be the window cleaner they depend on for life! Although that level of professionalism is rare these days, comes at a cost, and is not valued by everybody, we know our service is just what some are looking for. Whether you were referred to us by a lifelong customer, or found us through a quick Google search, we'll offer you the same premium window cleaning experience and hope to add you as a lifelong customer!




White Lake, MI 48386

📱 Contact

📞 (248) 568-8572 💬

⌚️ SERVICE Hours

M-F: 8-6 Sat: 8-12 Sun: 📵


Cleaning services we offer

window cleaning

Track/sills cleaning

skylight cleaning

mirror cleaning

Screen Cleaning

shower glass cleaning

Interior French Door Cleaning

Other services provided in winter months



Let's Chat.

Click below for pricing, shoot us your information and we will get back with you ASAP.